Crafting Exceptional Beers
Discover the Art of Winemaking and More
« Belotti Brew is committed to crafting exceptional beers that are a testament to our dedication and craftsmanship. Our brewery is equipped with cutting-edge technology, and our brewing team comprises skilled individuals who put their hearts into every brew. The result is a diverse range of beers that offer unique flavors and characters. »
« We invite you to immerse yourself in the world of Belotti Brew by visiting our brewery. Take a tour to witness our brewing process up close and, of course, savor tastings of our remarkable beers. Whether you’re a seasoned beer enthusiast or a newcomer, our brewery is open to all who appreciate the craft. »
Belotti Brew
ABV 8% | IBU 60 | OG 1.104
Ingredients: prepared water, wheat malt, hop, yeast, enzyme.
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